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You are viewing Cheat Codes for SimAnt System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-04-14 14:42:01 Views : 20634 Codes All of these codes are case sensative. Enter these codes during gameplay to get desired effect EGGS - Lay eggs with your ant ERAD - reduces the health of the yellow ant. FRED - shows endgame sequence. FUND - tells you that ten thousand dollars is worthless. HOLE - creates additional ant nest holes. JEFF - adds a black ant colony to every house and yard tile. JENN - gives unlimited health to the black colony. JOKE - shows jokes. JUST - adds ten fertilized queen ants for placement. MICK - causes the spider to walk backwards. OOPS - gives the red ants ten fertilized queen ants for placement. QEEN - adds a queen to the nest when underground. RAND - gives full health to the yellow ant. SUSI - gives unlimited health to the yellow ant. WILL - enables you to always defeat red ants. RED RULES - Lots of Red Ants BLACK RULES - Lots of Black Ants Duplicate carried items When carrying a rock, food, or an egg, hold alt and control and drop it. It will still be in your mandibles, but a copy will be where you dropped it. Repeat to surround the reds with rocks, get unlimited food, or make a massive ant army. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more SimAnt cheat codes.
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